Friday, September 24, 2010

A Delicate Subject....

As September 11th came and went a few weeks ago, I got to wondering about the whole 9/11 Twin Towers restoration project..... Wasn't there supposed to be something awesome and fantastic built in it's place? I realized I hadn't heard anything of that sort since that massacre happened in 2002. Eight years ago. So I did a bit of lookin'-up on the internet on the subject, trying to figure out just what happened to that whole idea. Turns out the whole project's on hold.

Long story short- the first design that was picked from a contest held among the top architects wasn't.... architecturally possible. It wasn't feasible, it couldn't be built and still stand. (How can you be a top architect and design a building that isn't physically.... doable?) So then they hired ANOTHER architect to fix the design flaws in the first person's design. It looks like this, by the way (Or at least I think it does, it looks like this, I know, but I don't think this is the -exact- design. I can't seem to find the picture I first saw on the website when I looked this up two weeks ago.)

So then they started constructing (ignoring all the design requests and pleas from the families and friends of those lost in the disaster that was 9/11, by the way.) the Freedom Tower.... but they couldn't, because the police said that for it to be built in the footprints of the original Twin Towers would position it too close to the underground highway. All it would take would be a semi truck full of explosions to bring the Freedom Tower crashing down on our ears again.  So they stopped construction in 2006 and haven't done a damn thing with it since. Sorry, but isn't just about any building in the world at risk for terrorist attack? You can't build a building that cannot be destroyed by someone else. And letting nothing happen, doing nothing, designing and building nothing..... doesn't that just mean that the terrorists have won, then? They ripped the heart of New York out eight years ago. And we've done NOTHING about it. Because no one can think of what to do.

You know what I think? I think that the best new design for the Twin Towers... looks like this:
I think that rebuilding the Twin Towers, exactly as they were, well- maybe just another floor taller, or something, would be the biggest "up yours" to the jackass terrorist devils that ripped them down in the first place. We'd have our Trade Center back, it would boost economy and patriotism- a lot more so than the empty pit that stands there, stagnant, today.

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